It is so easy to get lost in all the cool gear you need to buy. Not only that but figuring out what to prioritize can be even more overwhelming. So here is a quick guide to help you out.
1. Starting to carry
This is where it starts for most folks. They see a crazy world and want to protect those around them. So, they get a pistol and set a goal to start carrying it. Lots of times the gear can be hard to sort through and find what fits you best. Start with finding a holster that works for you. We recommend the T-rex arms sidecar as a good option because it is modular you can always change what you carry over time.
Lights are a great thing to have when you carry and a simple handheld light is the best place to start. Light can be used as a deterrent and help you positively identify potential threats.
Weapon mounted lights are also great, but not a replacement for your handheld. Not everything that needs light needs a gun pointed at it.
This is an example of basic gear to get you set up for carrying. One last important Vet a good source of articulate training that makes sense to you. Get educated, seek good training, and then you will be ready to perform God forbid the time ever comes.
Next blog we will be talking a little more in-depth about the next step of gear to look at. Be sure to check out our Youtube channel for some great educational information.